stillleben.camera_model module

Introduces camera noise effects.


This module systematically models the different noise sources present in modern digital cameras.

The implementation largely follows the work of A. Carlson et al.: Modeling Camera Effects to Improve Visual Learning from Synthetic Data (2018), arXiv

Typical usage

import stillleben as sl
import torch

# Input image (CHW)
img = torch.rand(3, 1080, 1920)

# Everything is much faster on GPU!
img = img.cuda()

# Apply noise
img_with_noise = sl.camera_model.process_image(img)


def chromatic_aberration(rgb, translations, scaling)
Introduces chromatic aberration effects.
def blur(rgb, sigma)
Applies Gaussian blur
def exposure(rgb, deltaS)
Re-exposes the image
def noise(rgb, a, b)
Applies additional Poissonian-Gaussian noise
def color_jitter(tensor_img, hue_shift)
Hue shift.
def process_deterministic(rgb, chromatic_translation, chromatic_scaling, blur_sigma, exposure_deltaS, do_noise, noise_a, noise_b, hue_shift)
Process image with given noise model parameters.
def process_image(rgb)
Process image with random noise parameters.

Function documentation

def stillleben.camera_model.chromatic_aberration(rgb, translations, scaling)

Introduces chromatic aberration effects.

rgb 3xHxW input RGB image
translations 3x2 translation tensor (tx, ty) for each of R, G, B
scaling [sr, sg, sb] scaling factor for each of R, G, B
Returns 3xHxW output tensor

def stillleben.camera_model.blur(rgb, sigma)

Applies Gaussian blur

rgb 3xHxW input RGB image
sigma Standard deviation of the Gaussian
Returns 3xHxW output RGB image

def stillleben.camera_model.exposure(rgb, deltaS)

Re-exposes the image

rgb 3xHxW input RGB image, float [0-1]
deltaS exposure shift (usually -1 to 1)
Returns 3xHxW output image

def stillleben.camera_model.noise(rgb, a, b)

Applies additional Poissonian-Gaussian noise

rgb 3xHxW input RGB image, float [0-1]
a variance factor of the signal-dependant noise (var = a*y(x))
b standard deviation of the signal-independant noise
Returns modified image

See Foi, Alessandro, et al. (2008): Practical Poissonian-Gaussian noise modeling and fitting for single-image raw-data, PDF

def stillleben.camera_model.color_jitter(tensor_img, hue_shift)

Hue shift.

tensor_img 3xHxW RGB float tensor [0,1]
hue_shift hue shift to apply (-0.5 to 0.5)
Returns jittered image