YCB Video Synthesis

Screenshot of the interactive viewer

This example demonstrates the usage of the stillleben library by generating synthetic scenes that have roughly similar composition to the scenes of the YCB Video Dataset.

For details on the dataset, see:

Yu Xiang, et al. 2017:

PoseCNN: A Convolutional Neural Network for 6D Object Pose Estimation in Cluttered Scenes


import stillleben as sl
import pathlib
import random
import torch
from PIL import Image

# Some boring details about the dataset
    '002_master_chef_can', '003_cracker_box', '004_sugar_box',
    '005_tomato_soup_can', '006_mustard_bottle', '007_tuna_fish_can',
    '008_pudding_box', '009_gelatin_box', '010_potted_meat_can',
    '011_banana', '019_pitcher_base', '021_bleach_cleanser',
    '024_bowl', '025_mug', '035_power_drill', '036_wood_block',
    '037_scissors', '040_large_marker', '051_large_clamp',
    '052_extra_large_clamp', '061_foam_brick',
RESOLUTION = (640, 480)
INTRINSICS = (1066.778, 1067.487, 312.9869, 241.3109)

def run(ycb_path, ibl_path, plane_texture_path):
    mesh_path = pathlib.Path(ycb_path) / 'models'
    if ibl_path:
        ibl_path = pathlib.Path(ibl_path)

    sl.init() # use sl.init_cuda() for CUDA interop

    # Load all meshes
    meshes = sl.Mesh.load_threaded([ mesh_path / c / 'textured.obj' for c in CLASSES[1:]])

    # Setup class IDs
    for i, mesh in enumerate(meshes):
        mesh.class_index = i+1

    # Create a scene with matching intrinsics
    scene = sl.Scene(RESOLUTION)

    for mesh in random.sample(meshes, 10):
        obj = sl.Object(mesh)

        # Override the metallic/roughness parameters so that it gets interesting
        obj.metallic = random.random()
        obj.roughness = random.random()

    # Let them fall in a heap

    # Setup lighting
    if ibl_path:
        scene.light_map = sl.LightMap(ibl_path)

    # Display a plane & set background color
    scene.background_plane_size = torch.tensor([3.0, 3.0])
    scene.background_color = torch.tensor([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0])

    if plane_texture_path:
        scene.background_plane_texture = sl.Texture2D(plane_texture_path)

    # Display interactive viewer

    # Render a frame
    renderer = sl.RenderPass()
    result = renderer.render(scene)

    # Save as JPEG

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
    parser.add_argument('dataset', metavar='PATH', type=str,
        help='The path to the directory containing the "models" directory')
    parser.add_argument('--ibl', metavar='FILE.IBL', type=str,
        help='Use environment light map')
    parser.add_argument('--plane-texture', metavar='IMAGE', type=str,
        help='Use plane texture')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    run(ycb_path=args.dataset, ibl_path=args.ibl, plane_texture_path=args.plane_texture)