- class ScaleToModel(model_value_range, test_value_range)
This class acts as an adapter module that scales pixel values from the test run domain to the model domain.
- __init__(model_value_range, test_value_range)
Initializes the scaler module by setting the model domain and test domain value range.
- forward(img)
Scales the input image from the test run domain to the model domain.
- Parameters
img (torch.Tensor) – The image to scale.
Returns: The scaled image.
- class ScaleToTest(model_value_range, test_value_range)
This class acts as an adapter module that scales pixel values from the model domain to the test run domain.
- __init__(model_value_range, test_value_range)
Initializes the scaler module by setting the model domain and test domain value range.
- forward(img)
Scales the input image from the model domain to the test run domain.
- Parameters
img (torch.Tensor) – The image to scale.
Returns: The scaled image.
- conv_output_shape(h_w, kernel_size=1, stride=1, pad=0, dilation=1)
SOURCE: https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/utility-function-for-calculating-the-shape-of-a-conv-output/11173/6 Utility function for computing output size of convolutions given the input size and the conv layer parameters.
- Parameters
Returns: A tuple (height, width) with the resulting height and width after layer application.
- convtransp_output_shape(h_w, kernel_size=1, stride=1, pad=0, dilation=1)
SOURCE: https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/utility-function-for-calculating-the-shape-of-a-conv-output/11173/6 Utility function for computing output size of convTransposes given the input size and the convT layer parameters.
- Parameters
Returns: A tuple (height, width) with the resulting height and width after layer application.
- state_dicts_equal(model1, model2, check_values=False, verbose=False)
Checks whether two models are equal with respect to their state dicts. Modified from: https://gist.github.com/rohan-varma/a0a75e9a0fbe9ccc7420b04bff4a7212
- Parameters
Returns: True if both state dicts are equal in keys and values, False (with debug prints) otherwise.