Physically-based Rendering

Screenshot of the interactive viewer

This is based on the Viewer example, but adds an sIBL light map (see stillleben.LightMap), which enables highly realistic environment reflections and illumination.

import stillleben as sl
import torch
import random
from PIL import Image

sl.init() # use sl.init_cuda() for CUDA interop

# Load a mesh (the constructor accepts pathlib paths)
mesh = sl.Mesh(SL_PATH / 'tests' / 'stanford_bunny' / 'scene.gltf')

# Meshes can come in strange dimensions - rescale to something reasonable

# Create a scene with a few bunnies
scene = sl.Scene((1920,1080))

for i in range(20):
    obj = sl.Object(mesh)

    # Override the metallic/roughness parameters so that it gets interesting
    obj.metallic = random.random()
    obj.roughness = random.random()

# Let them fall in a heap

# Setup lighting
scene.light_map = sl.LightMap(SL_PATH / 'examples' / 'Circus_Backstage' / 'Circus_Backstage.ibl')

# Display a plane & set background color
scene.background_plane_size = torch.tensor([3.0, 3.0])
scene.background_color = torch.tensor([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0])

# Display interactive viewer

# Render a frame
renderer = sl.RenderPass()
result = renderer.render(scene)
print('Resulting RGB frame:', result.rgb().shape)
print('Resulting segmentation frame:', result.instance_index().shape)

# Save as JPEG